Perceived Facilitators to Preventing Pressure Ulcer among Intensive Care Unit Nurses


Background: Pressure ulcer or pressure injury is one of the complications of immobility patients in the intensive care unit. Nurses play an important role in pressure ulcer prevention. Actual factors like facilitators to preventing pressure ulcers can affect nurses’ behavior to prevent pressure ulcers.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify nurses’ perceived facilitating factors that affected pressure ulcer prevention in the intensive care unit.

Methods: A cross-sectional and quantitative descriptive study design was used to collect data. This study was conducted among nurses working in the intensive care unit in one hospital in West Java. Seventy nurses participated in this study. The facilitator factors questionnaire and information form were used to identify what factors affected pressure ulcer prevention among intensive nurses. Data were analyzed by a computer program using frequency distributive and cross-tabulation.

Results: From the total sample size, 68.6% (n=70) were female nurses, while 92.9% (n=70) were civil servant nurses. Only 30% (n=70) were graduated from bachelor degree nursing program, and 77.14%(n=70) said they never attended training about pressure ulcer nor wound care management. All of the respondents claimed that in pressure ulcer prevention, they felt facilitators that made pressure ulcer prevention was easier. Access to pressure ulcer relieving device, equipment, and facilitator (97.14%), good teamwork (75.71%), and knowledge (68.57%) were the most commonly mentioned factors that facilitating pressure ulcer prevention. Otherwise, time and amounts of the staff were perceived facilitators named by 40% and 22.86% respondents, respectively. Only 1.43% of respondents stated that the schedule was a facilitator factor.

Conclusion: Considering the results of this study, facilitating factors were important for intensive nurses to prevent patients’ pressure ulcer, and the most commonly named was access to pressure ulcer relieving device, equipment, and facility. To improve the pressure ulcer prevention, the hospital should provide device, equipment, and facility, like pressure distributor; therapeutic linens; protector the skin; and positioner.

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