Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Slow Deep Breathing on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate on Hypertensive Clients


Background: Conclusions/Importance.Indicators of hypertension can be seen through the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Several attempts continue to be made to control BP and HR, such as progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and slow deep breathing(SDB).

Objectives:The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of PMR and SDB to control BP and HR on the hypertension clients.

Methods: The research utilized a quasi-experimental design with pre-post test nonequivalent control group. Sample of 91 respondents were selected during May-July 2016 through convenience sampling techniques. The researcher used parametric statistical regression multiple linear regression to analyze the effect of PMR, SDB, and combination of PMR and SDB on BP and HR.

Results: In the intervention group, PMR, SDB, and combined PMR-SDB are given twice a day for four days. The results showed the influence of PMR,SDB,combinedPMR-SDBtechniquestoBPandHR(p<0.05).PMRandcombined techniques (PMR-SDB) simultaneously and partially have a significant influence on BP and HR (p<0.05). SDB simultaneously only have a significant influence on diastolic BP and HR (p<0.05), but partially have a significant influence on BP and HR (p<0.05).

Conclusions: The research concluded that there is significant influence of PMR, SDB, and combined PMR and SDB on BP and HR. PMR and SDB programs need to be developed as independent nursing interventions on the nursing care of patients with hypertension.


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