The Description of Problems Correlated to Pregnancy


Background: Problems in pregnancy are not necessarily the same because most studies only involve physical problems. There is no research that comprehensively covers physical, psychological, social and spiritual problems. Though these conditions can be worsen the conditions but it can contribute to maternal mortality. Objevtives: This research aims to identify the Problems on Pregnant Maternals at Trimester I,II,III based on demographic in Bandung City.

Methods: This research used a qualitative descriptive method into crossectional design. The research was conducted in May – June 2019, with research’s subject of 116 pregnant maternals at Puter and Pagarsih public health center selected by using convenience sampling technique.Data collecting using forms list 42 questions included Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual problems.

Results: This result showed that Physical problems with the question tired or weak 93 (80,17%) responden answered Yes, Psychological problems with questions needing more attention from husbands 11 (95.69%) responden answered Yes, Social problems with questions about limiting activities to the environment 81 (69,83%) responden answered Yes, the problem of Spiritual with question involves God’s help in the midst of daily activities 115 (99.14%) responden answered No.

Conclusion: Public health centers need to carryout counseling in their work areas to help resolve problems on pregnant maternals with Physically, Psychologically, Socially and Spiritually.

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