The Screening Description of Mothers with Risk Pregnancy


Background: Screening is an early examination to assess whether someone has risk factors of health problems. Risk Pregnancy is a pregnancy with certain risks which can endangered the condition of the mother or baby. Purpose: This research aims to know the Description of Low Risk Pregnancy, the Description of High-Risk Pregnancy, and the Description of Very High Risk Pregnancy in Pregnant Mothers with Trimester I, I, III in Bandung City.

Method: This research is a quantitative descriptive research using cross sectional design. Conducted in May-June 2019, with research’s subject of 116 pregnant mothers in Puter and Pagarsih health center selected using convenience sampling technique. Data collection using Poedji Rochjati Screening and data analysis usingfrequencydistribution.

Result:This research showed that the LowRiskpregnancy in pregnant mothers of the trimester I High Risk as many as 11 people (9,5%), Trimester II High Risk as many as 26 people (22,4%), and Trimester III High Risk as many as 36 people (31,0%),

Conclusion: The of research overall obtained by pregnant maternal with trimesters I, II, III were in the category of high risk pregnancy. Public health center management need to improve the program related to pregnancy, for example family planning programs, and the prevention of anemia to reduce risk pregnancies for pregnant women.

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