The Effectiveness of Family Peer Group Education Intervention on Family Support of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients


Background: The number of people with diabetes mellitus is increasing with the most cases being Type II Diabetes Mellitus which is a chronic condition and if not treated seriously can cause complications such as kidney disease, amputation and blindness. Families play an important role in prevention and help deal with patients’ disease problems. One of the factorsthat influence the health of DM patientsis family support. It has a significant influence on the success of diabetes management. The most influential factor for family support is health knowledge and education. Peer education intervention group is one type of health education that provides increased knowledge, psychosocial, and more effective expenditure, rather than personal counseling. Family as a function of health that requires peers from their own family members. 

Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of the peer group Educationin tervention family against the family support of type II DM patients.

Methods: The designused in this study included the randomized pretest and -posttest control group design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with family inclusion criteria in which one family member suffered from type II DM, stayed with the patient, and was willing to become a respondent. Data collection is using family support questionnaire. Data analysis used a t-test.

Results: The results showed there were significant differences between pre and post intervention. The peer group education intervention increased the family support of type II DM patients after the post intervention (p = 0.00). the peer group education intervention family increases the family support of type II DM patients in the intervention group compared to controls (p =0.00).

Conclusion: The results showed that peer group intervention education was more significant than health education usually in increasing the family support of diabetes mellitus patients,so that it could be used as an intervention choice for community nurses in increasing family support for DM patients.



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