Relationship Follows Trends and Smoker’s Families with Perceptions of Smoking in Primary School Age Children in Karawang, Indonesia


Background: Increased smoking habits in school-age children Impact on perceptions about the dangers of smoking in school-age children. Perceptions in the form of school-age children are based on children’s experiences of exposure to smokers and smokers’ environments. Positive perceptions of the dangers of smoking school-age children who consider smoking habits to be a natural thing to do school-age children.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of factors following the trends and factors of family smokers with perceptions about smoking in school-age children in Karawang, Indonesia.

Methods: Data was taken from the Karawang Community Health Center, where 67% of students found smoking behavior, 356 students were recruited in the district. t-tests and spearman ratings are used to analyze the relationship between smoking and factors following trends and family smoker factors.

Results: The relationship between following trends with perceptions of smoking for school-age children (p value = 0.02, r = 0.122) and the relationship between family smokers and smoking perceptions of school-age children (p value = 0.002,r=0.161).

Conclusion: Boys,smokingstatus,gettinginformationaboutsmoking, children Having parents who smoke, those who follow trends are a concern. It is recommended for health workers to provide innovative health information about the dangers of smoking in school-age children.


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