Effectiveness of Exercise App with Self-Efficacy to Achieve Recommended Levels of Physical Activity among Adult: A Systematic Review


Background: Inactive physical activity among university students remains publichealth concern due to significant adverse effects and its high prevalence. Transmission from adolescence to adulthood considered as a critical period for lowered their physical activity. Evidences suggested that either self-efficacy-driven intervention or applied exercise App could promote the level of physical activity. However, have examined the effect of exercise App with self-efficacy intervention to promote recommended level of physical activity among university students

Objective: It was recognized the effects of exercise App with self-efficacy to achieve recommended levels of physical activity among university students by systematic review.

Methods: A systematic review was conducted to search the English publications in the databases of PubMed, CochraneLibrary,MEDLINE,andCINAHL,inaperiodofduring2008to2018.Inclusive criteria were the publications using exercise App with self-efficacy programs and the participants in the age from 18 to 64 years old and healthy people. Excluded criteria were if research recruited participants with chronic diseases, mental diseases, pregnant women, and disability in the study. Finally, 319 articles were searched. After two reviewers used CASP checklist to evaluate study quality, the findings were extracted from 4 qualified articles.

Results: The results of systematic review show that most of the studies were conducted in the USA and using Apps as strategies to design basing on SE to increase physical activity. Regarding as how using App for self-monitoring that combine with SE to design in the interventions, the strategies included merging in class sessions to implement the program, goal setting, advice and counseling from health care provider and telephone, problem solving training, using website, self-efficacy coaching, and health provider visit plus telephone. All studies results show that a significant effectiveness using Apps combine SE to applying in program could promote participants achieving recommended levels of PA.

Conclusions: This systematic review provides an evidence base if the program with exercise App and self-efficacy to design it has higher effectiveness on achieving recommended levels of PA. SE is valuable to use in PA programs for adults in future studies.


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