The Life Experience of Family As Caregiver in Child with Cancer


Background: Cancer in children is a very complex issue when treatment and care involve families especially parents, peers and other environmental components are needed to help the healing process.

Purpose:This study aimed to know the experience of family while caring the children with cancer.

Method: This study was a qualitative study with descriptive phenomenology design. The participants in this study were five people using Colaizzi’s analysis technique.

Results: The results of this study showed four themes, which were the physiological needs and the need for comfort and safety, loss process experienced by the caregiver, overcoming obstacles, and family’s decision making.

Conclusion: Physiological needs that came out from this study were bathing, eating, hyperthermia management, and giving the drug, while the need for comfort and safety described as bringing a child to a health care facility. The loss process starts with denial from family into acceptance phase. The family has strong confidence to overcome the obstacles with believing that the child will be cured.Environmental support with good health care facility and decision-makingbythe mother also showed in this study.

Suggestions: The family who also being a caregiver for their children expected to increase their knowledge about cancer and health care provider are required to be capable enough to delivere dheal the ducation about cancer.



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