The Relationship between Eating Wild Animal Meat with the Level of Uric Acid in Langowan Minahasa, Indonesia


Background; Some researchers have proven that there was a relationship between eatingmeatanduricacidlevels.Therehavebeennospecificstudiesontherelationship between eating wild animal products and uric acid levels. LangowanMinahasa is one of the tribes in Indonesia whose people love to eat wild animal meat from hunting.

Objectives; The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between consumption of wild animal meat and uric acid levels in the LangowanMinahasa community.

Methods; The research method used wascross sectional with 35 respondents selected using purposive sampling.

Results; 42.9% of respondents eat wild animal meat more than three times a week and the mean of uric acid was 6.78mg/dL (SD = 1.27). There was a positive relationshipbetween consumption of wild animal meat with uric acid levels in the MinahasaLangowan community (r = 0.562), (p = 0.000).

Conclusions; consumption of wild animal meat with uric acid levels have a positive relationship. This study recommend that the LangowanMinahasa people should reduce or even stop consuming wild animal meat and switch to consuming other protein sources. The researcher also recommended to village officials and the government to provide information to the community on the negative impact of consuming meat from hunted products, both on health and natural ecosystems.

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