Animal Welfare As Stress Management to Improve Beef Cattle Reproduction


The efficiency of reproduction practices is one of the indicators of animal health and animal welfare situation. Deprived reproductive performance in a beef cattle farm may indicate the presence of animal welfare problems. In this study, we analyze the research and reviews on how the poor practices of animal welfare will affect the reproduction performance of beef cattle. Based on the analysis, we found that poor practical of
animal welfare in cattle such as overcrowded population, heat stress, and discomfort animal will give a bad impact in the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol hormone. Imbalance of hormones secretion may induce ovarian cycle disorder and depressing immunity of the uterine tract. The high risk of those disorders may cause bad reproduction performance indicator which is prolonged DO, reduced CR, and increased S/C and CI. We suggest that good animal welfare practices as stress management in beef cattle are expected to overcome the reproduction problems and enhance the animal’s immunity. In conclusion, good animal welfare practices prevent the occurrence of a reproduction problem and improve the beef cattle reproduction through better animal health.

Keywords: Animal welfare, Beef cattle, Immunity, Management, Reproduction, Stress

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