“UMBIESS”: Innovations Drinks Product of Umbi As Community Empowerment Efforts in Gunungpati, Semarang City for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Indonesia is the third largest producer of sweet potato in the world. Most of the people in Gunungpati, Semarang city, are farmers, but the processed agricultural products of sweet potato have not to use optimally. The purpose of this program is to empower the community in the management potential of sweet potato so that it can increase the sale value of sweet potato, accelerating diversification, and can compete in international markets — empowerment program of UMBIESS production using method Sociopreneurship approach that is Focus Group Discussion(FGD); Production Practice (UMBIESS production and certification of products, packaging, and labeling, the establishment of SMEs); Cooperation Partnership; Training and Monitoring; and
Evaluation of Sociopreneurship Effectiveness. The result of this program is the creation of UMBIESS products that have certified nationally; as a pioneering pilot SMEs, which groups of women farmers ”Karya Mandiri UMBIESS”; and already have a marketing partner for UMBIESS products to the public. Besides empowerment is expected to improve the economy of the village society Gunungpati to exploit the potential of the local area. UMBIESS product can be used as a community empowerment program that creates new jobs, reducing poverty and enhancing food security sweet potato. So that is contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Keywords: Sweet potato; UMBIESS; ecopreneurship;, community empowerment

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