Ricinus communis and Calotropis procera As Putative Plant Species for the Phytostabilization of Tannery Contaminated Soil: A Dynamic Approach


The present study involves the assessment of four metals (Cr, Pb, Cu, and Mn) and their mobility (primary and dynamic translocation and bioconcentration factors) in Ricinus communis and Calotropis procera growing in tannery contaminated soil (TCS) and control soil (CS). The area is moderately to strongly contaminated with
Cr. Except for Cr, all the analyzed metals were found within the critical range in TCS and in both plants. The assessment of both primary and dynamic translocation and bioconcentration factors showed TF < 1 and BCF > 1 for both plants, which demonstrates the major transfer and accumulation of Cr from soil to root.

As these plants are not grazed upon by grazing animals, the ecological metal transfer risks from these plants are quite low. Moreover, the high commercial importance of these plants (biofuel production and medicinal value) further enhances their utilization for the phytostabilization of moderately Cr-contaminated sites.

Keywords: chromium, Ricinus communis, Calotropis procera, dynamic factors, tannery industry

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