Determinant Factors Related to Near Miss Accident in Ship Inspector Officers


Work accident or occupational accident is an unplanned and uncontrolled event resulting from an action or reaction of an object, material, person, or radiation resulting in injury or other possibilities. The purpose of this study was to identify the determinant factors related to near miss accident in ship inspectors. This study was
conducted at Port X by using analytic observational approach where both observed variables were observed at the same time. This study was a cross-sectional study, in which the sampling used incidental sampling based on a coincidental reality to measure determinant factors within the one-month range of measurements. Samples
were taken with total sampling. Methods of data collection included interviews, field observations and document studies. The results of this study indicated that all male ship inspector workers were 56 percent and those who had a history of near miss were as many as eight individuals (32%), and those who never experienced near miss were as many as 17 individuals (68%). In addition, occupational health and safety knowledge and training was ever attended by 23 individuals (92%), while two individuals (8%) never attended. At the time of near miss, all respondents used PPE. The types of PPE used by all respondents who had near miss accident were safety shoes and safety helmet. In addition to PPE safety shoes and safety helmet, some
respondents also used PPE in the form of masks, buoys, and gloves. In conclusion, the determinant factors of near miss accident in ship inspector officers in this study were respondent characteristics, knowledge of occupational health and safety, intention, and perception of occupational health and safety.

Keywords: occupational accidents, near miss, determinant factors

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