Worker’s Health Profile Derived from Medical Check Up at X Hospital


Workers might suffer either infectious or non-infectious diseases. Stress, cancer, and degenerative diseases are some types of non-infectious diseases. Degenerative disease is a medical term that describes certain types of diseases that are caused by degeneration of cells functions in the human body. Hypertension, stroke, diabetes
mellitus, coronary heart disease, dyslipidaemia, obesity, and osteoporosis are some examples of degenerative diseases. One of the triggers of a degenerative disease is a condition known as a metabolic syndrome. In many cases, the onset of a metabolic syndrome is often associated with factors related to a person’s occupation. Certain types of occupations may lead a person to an unhealthy or inactive life style known as sedentary works, such as secretary, typist, accountant and other office worker. The objective of this study is to review the results of the medical check-up conducted to Hospital X’s employees and how they are managed. It is a survey-based descriptive research using secondary data obtained from the results of the medical check-up conducted to Hospital X’s employees. From the study, we learnt that the medical check-up conducted to Hospital X’s employees shows that a number of them are suffering from degenerative diseases, such as overweight, dyslipidaemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Of the five conditions
identified, two among them, that is, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, are managed well by the hospital under its Hospital Health Promotion Unit (Promosi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit/PKRS). The PKRS Unit has set up an education team that provides counselling to the employees diagnosed with the two diseases and even organized calisthenics activities for those diagnosed with diabetics. The conclusion is that the hospital should also extend the programme to provide counselling and care to the rest of its employees diagnosed with the other health conditions that have been identified, that is, dyslipidaemia, overweight, and obesity, to avert bigger health problems in the future, from both the perspective of the employees and the cost to be incurred by the hospital.

Keywords: ailment among workers, degenerative disease, metabolic syndrome, medical check-up, managing the result of medical check-up

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