Compliance with IFA & Vitamin C Tablet Consumption among Pregnant Women in Mekargalih, Sumedang, Indonesia, in 2014


Based on Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) 2012 in Indonesia, maternal mortality rate reached 359 per 100.000 births. In Indonesia, maternal mortality rate is caused by anaemia, it reached 37.1% in pregnant women. Government programs to give iron folic acid(IFA) tablets for pregnant women have not increased their awareness, as only 33,3% of them consume IFA ≥ 90 tablets during their pregnancy (RISKESDAS, 2013). This study was aimed to investigate compliance of IFA and Vitamin C tablets consumption among pregnant woman based on gravidity in Mekargalih Village, Sumedang. This study is a descriptive quantitative methods using cross-sectional design. Total sample is 50 pregnant women who were selected based on inclusion
criteria and using univariate analysis. Result showed that 52% of pregnant women complied IFA tablets, while 22% of them complied vitamin C. In the meantime, their compliance in taking IFA tablets based on gravidity were 50% in primigravida and 53 % in multigravida pregnancy, compliance in taking Vitamin C tablets based on
gravidity were 25% in primigravida and 21% in multigravida pregnancy. Based on the result, it can be concluded that half of the pregnant women complied in taking IFA, only a small number taking Vitamin C tablets. As health-care professionals, we should be able to give interventions in the form of communication, information, and education for the pregnant women, as well as involving their family members in terms of monitoring their IFA tablets and Vitamin C consumption

Keywords: Pregnant woman, Compliance, IFA, Vitamin C tablets

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