The Relationship Between Educational Games and the Development of Motor, Language, and Social Skills in Children Ages 3-4 Years


As educational tools, games do not effectively stimulate the development of motor, language, and social in children of kindergartens and early childhood programs. This study aims to determine the relationship between educational games and the development of motor, language, and social skills in early childhood and kindergarten at district of Medan Selayang. Data was obtained from a questionnaire and through observations of the behavior of children when interacting using the educational games at school (100 children), which was measured by using questionnaires as well as the Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) for motor skills, the Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) for social skills, and the Verbal Language Development Scale (VLDS) for language skills. Univariate and bivariate analysis methods were used to analyze the observational data. The chi-squared test was used to analyze the relationship between educational games and the development of motor, language, and social. This Research shows that 70% of games used as educational games are ineffective, but the majority of children (63%) are able to use educational games well due to their familiarity with this tool. The results show that development of language is still lacking in many of the children (41%). A statistically significant relationship was found between educational games and the development of motor skills (p value
0.028 <0.05) and development of social skills (p value 0.014 <0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between educational games and the development of language skills (p value 0. 858> 0.05). It is recommended that schools provide an effective educational games that stimulates the development of motor, language, and social and maximizes the role of the teacher.

Keywords: Games Educational Tool, development of motor, social, and language skills

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