BIOACTIVITIES OF MAHONI’S (<i>Swietenia mahagoni</i> (L.) Jacq.) SEED ETHANOLIC EXTRACT ON THE PARASITEMIC LEVEL OF <i>Plasmodium berghei</i> IN MICE <i>Mus musculus</i>


Bioactivities evaluation of mahoni’s seed ethanolic extract on the parasitemic level of Plasmodium berghei have conducted in Parasitology laboratory Universitas Gadjah Mada. Peter’s four days test (1970) was used in this research. There were 27 of mice and randomly was devided into 9 groups, 3 mice of each groups. There were 4 groups of controls: control with extract only, control with P. berghei infection only, control with P. berghei infection and chloroquin, and placebo. The other 5 groups of treated mice were mice treated with extract at the dose 5,75; 12.5; 25; 50; and100 mg/kg of body weight. Results showed that saponin and terpenoid were detected as bioactive compound. Mahoni’s seed extract at the dose 50 mg/kg of body weight gave the good effectivness in reducing the parasite up to 60% compare with control + chloroquin.

Keywords: Plasmodium berghei, Swietenia mahagoni, parasitemic level, mice

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