Implementation of Life Cycle Assessment on Green Tea Process at Pt Pagilaran - Factory Samigaluh


Life Cycle Assesment is a method to assess environmental aspects and potential effects which are connected with product, process or service. This method is conducted by using compilation and data analysis on input and output of production system, evaluation of environmental potential effects, intrepretating on data compilation and analysis, and assessment results on effects due to the goal of LCA. The research was conducted at PT. Pagilaran – Samigaluh and aimed to implement LCA on tea product. It was done by direct observation on all process steps, from harvesting tea leaves until tranportation to final storage at manufacturing. The results showed that for producing one kilogram green tea at this factory it was needed energy 68,534.14KJ and released emmissions from fuel were 56.53 g CO2

;7,07 g HC; 2,12 g NOx, and 0.053 g Pb. Emmission from processing steps were 18.37 ppm

CO2; 321.31 ppm CO; 22.75 ppm HC; 93.08 ppm NOx; 15.17 ppm SOx and 0.12 g ash. Furthermore for transporting tea leaves some gases were released as follow 15.36 g CO;

9.66 g HC; 65.46 g; NOx; 5.20 g SOx and 2.198 g ash.


Keywords: Green Tea; Energy; LCA; Emissions