Analysis of the Risk Factors of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) In Rural Populations in Panongan Subdistrict, Tangerang 2016


DHF is a disease that affects the population in urban areas. But several recent research shows that the incidence of dengue has spread to rural areas as well. This study aims to analyze the risk factors of dengue in rural areas in Panongan Subdistrict, Tangerang in 2016. This study is a case control study. The samples of this study consisted of individuals diagnosed with DHF in the case group and individuals without DHF in
the control group as recorded in Puskesmas Panongan in 2016. The research was conducted in June 2016. The study was conducted by interviewing the patients in both groups. The analysis used was a logistic regression analysis. The analysis showed a significant association between sex (4,99; 2.05-12.14) and mobility (2.28; 1.20-4.35) with the incidence of dengue. This research concludes that sex is the most dominant variable related to the incidence of DHF with OR = 4,17. It means that males have 4,17 times higher risk of acquiring DHF compared to females after controlling the mobility. Strategies to prevent Ae.Aegypti bite are by using mosquito nets, wearing mosquito repellent and using windows or doors screen.

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