Morfometry Study of Hemipenis Biawak Air Varanus Salvator on Length Measurement of Snouth Vent Length (Svl) Andbody Weight


Varanus salvator is a water reptile that has various kinds depends on the habitat. Varanus salvator   has been hunted by people for hundreds or even thousands of years, therefore the populations decreased. People used Varanus salvator  as a source of protein and as medicine for particular parts of the body. Informations about Varanus salvator reproductive anatomy was highly needed as the base of conservation. The objective of this research was to know the corelation of snouth vent length and body weight to the size of hemipenes. Forty male  Varanus salvator in random sizes  was measured in snoth vent length and body weight, then the measurement’s result was analized and correlated with the size of hemipenes. The size of hemipenes was the length of hemipenes, the diameter of radix hemipenes, the diameter of corpus hemipenes and the diameter of glands hemipenes. The datas was processed using Anova test, Linear regression test, correlation test, and double correlation test.The result showed that body weight and snouth vent length correlated to the size of hemipenes because the value of correlation test showed p>0,5. Based on double correlation test, the result showed that snouth vent lengt was more correlated to the size of hemipenes. The value of double corrrelation test showed z<1,96.


Keyword : Snouth vent length, Hemipenis, Varanus salvator


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