The Efficacy of Permot (Passiflora Foetida Linn.) Leaves Crude Extract Ointment on the Healing of Skin of Rabbit with Scabies


This research aimed to know the efficacy of active compound of  Permot (P. foetida) leaves crude extract ointment as a bioacaricide in rabbit through observation of after treatment histopathological changes on skin of body part naturally infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. Permot  leaves were isolated and extracted in n-hexane solvent. Sixteen rabbits were randomly  divided into four groups, control (P0), P1, P2 and P3, the group of rabbits with scabies treated respectively with 5, 10 and 15 % of permot leaves crude extract ointment. Therapy was conducted topically on day 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Efficacy was examined from Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) stained skin histopathological features under microscope with  magnification of 100x, 400x and 1000x. The obtained skin histopatological feature data were assessed qualitatively. The application of 5 % ointment (P1) showed erosion and severe inflammatory cells infiltration in the epidermis; follicle proliferation and sebaceous were not present. In the dermis, severe sebaceous adenitis and folliculitis were evident. Massive inflammatory cells infiltration was found in hypodermis. The therapy using 5% ointment resulted 45 % success rate. The application of 10 % permot leaves crude extract ointment (P2) showed severe hypergranulation in the epidermis, severe proliferation of follicle and sebaceous gland, mild sebaceous adenitis and mild folliculitis in the dermis, as well as  moderate inflammatory cells infiltration in the hypodermis. The therapy using 10,% ointment resulted 60 % success rate. The application of 15 % ointment (P3) showed mild hypergranulation in the epidermis, mild follicle proliferation and inflammatory cells (PMN) infiltrationin the dermis; and moderate inflammatory cells infiltration in the hypodermis. The therapy using 15 % ointment resulted 90 % success rate.


Keywords: scabiosis, rabbits, Passiflora foetida, ointment, histopathology

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