Aquoeous Extract of Neem Leaves (Azadirachta Indica) Decrease Expression of Immunoglbulin E (IgE) and Interleukin 4 (IL-4) in Gingiva Tissue of BALB/c Mice Injected by Ovalbumine


Allergy has been such a difficult disease to cure. Some anti-allergic drugs on the market caused side effects such as dryness of mucous membranes, confusion, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating and blurred vision, bull neck and moon face. It is difficult to find anti-allergic drugs with minimum side effects. Aim. The research aimed to find alternative anti-alergic agent, it was aquoeous extract of Neem leaves. In particular, this study analysed modulation of aquoeous extract of Neem leaves to expression of Ig E and IL-4 in gingival tissue. Materials and Methods. A total 15 BALB/c Mice was divided into three groups, i.e controle group (no treatment were introduced), Ova group (On days 0, 7, 14 submucous injected with ovalbumine), Neem group (were given with aquoeous extract of Neem leaves 200 mg/day/kg body wieght and injected with ova). Ova injection was 25 μL (in 2 mg/mL PBS), while neem leaves extract were given by oral sondation. IgE and IL-4 were analysed in gingival tissue on day 21 by imunohistochemistry method. Parameters are amouts of leucocytes that expressed IgE and IL-4.  Results. ANOVA and LSD test showed that aquoeous extract of Neem leaves could decrease IgE and IL-4 expression significantly (p<0,05) in gingival tissue. Conclusion. Aquoeous extract of Neem leaves  could be used as an alternative for anti-alergic agent.


Key words : Aquoeous Extract from Neem Leaves ; Azadirachta Indica ; Ig E ; IL-4 ; ovalbumine ; oral

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