Characteristics and Shelf Life of Dry Salted and Unsalted Dark Banded Goatfish (Upeneus sp.)


Salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish (Upeneus sp.) has the physical and chemical characteristics which influence their shelf life. The objective of this research was to reveal chemical characteristic and the possibilities of physical differences between salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish and determine their shelf life. The experimental method that being used in this research was complemented with statistical analysis using paired difference test to know that salting significantly affected the chemical and physical characteristics of the products. Shelf life testing using total number of micro-organism as the parameter. Shelf life testing used descriptive and experimental methods followed by shelf life calculation using ASLT method with Arrhenius model. Result of the research revealed that there were significant differences between salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish in water level, ash content level, and water activity (aw), but both of them had no significant differences in insoluble ash in acid level, protein level, fat level and hardness point. Salted dark-banded goatfish that packaged with PP 0,6 mm plastic at 15°C has the longest shelf life is about 15 months 27 days 3 hours 50 minutes and 24 seconds. 

Keywords: salted dry; unsalted dry fish; characteristic; shelf-life

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