Learning Process of Dairy Farmer in Achieving Dairy Farming’ Succeed (Case Study in KPBS Pangalengan and KSU Tandangsari West Java)


Research on the learning process of dairy farmers in achieving decent  scale of livestock farming has been carried out in South Bandung Dairy Farmer Cooperative (Koperasi Peternak Bandung Selatan/KPBS) Pangalengan and Multi Purpose Cooperative (Koperasi Serba Usaha/KSU) Tandangsari. The purposes of this study were to: (1) analyze the learning process of dairy farmer in order to achieve business success; and (2) analyze the success indicators in dairy farming business according to farmer’s perception. This research used case study with descriptive qualitative approach with 32 dairy farmers as informants. Data were analyzed descriptively by several stages namely reduction, categorization of data and conclusions. The results showed: dairy farmers who achieve success in their business is the farmer who has made the process of learning the truth, those who have been able to do active business in changing the behaviour of himself to be able to apply aspects of breeding, feeding and management as they should so that the dairy cattle business that manages has provided benefits and feasibility. The learning process through which the dairy farmers is the result of  interaction or influence the motivation to learn instrisic owned by farmers, with reinforcement from outside through training, mentoring and enrichment of others, thus becoming sedentary behaviour or patterned to respond appropriately to problems or the challenges faced in achieving business success. Indicators of successful dairy farming according to farmers were having : productive cow more than 7 cows, decent housing (permanent buildings), four-wheel vehicles, more land for grass planting  and able to finance their children to study in university.


Keywords: Learning process, dairy cow farming’success, dairy farmers.

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