
Research about evaluation and implementation HACCP document of frozen tuna saku product Focus at HACCP document evaluation, used descriptive qualitative method and quantitative test from level histamine value in fresh tuna was received and pathogen bacterium at fresh water and also presentage of level improve with audited result of implementation from revised HACCP document. Revised of HACCP document frozen tuna saku, to show two critical control point the first at phase recieving fresh tuna as raw material with a purpose to histamnie eliminated, histamine value representing hazard potencial by applying critical limit control at refrigeration process use ice so that center of fish temperature remain at range 0- 4,4°C, and second critical control point in the butchering or dehaeding phase with a purpose to pathogen bacteria Escerichia coli, Coliform, and Salmonella spp eliminated which possible could happened from used fresh water without treatment. Audit result of revised HACCP document of frozen tuna saku implementation quantitatively its at level improve about 89% compared to HACCP document before revised that is still at level 62%, this level matter is make-up of in the case of document implementation revised by HACCP team. Level improve have to monitoring implementation HACCP document to make assurance of quality and security from frozen tuna saku, that has been export product.

Keywords: audit, critical control point(s), critical limit, frozen tuna saku, HACCP, histamine 

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