Efficient Exploitation of Local Fruit Resources Through Sustainable Production and High Added Value Processing


Fruit production in Europe has a dual system organization: an industrial type with high density planting systems in large extension farms and a small size orchard type in family owned farms. Certainly, the two systems are quite different in terms of fruit varieties, planting systems, orchard management and fruit production valorisation. In recent years, the smart family fruit farms became more and more important for the rural economy by increasing the efficient use of local resources, by offering social security and comfort and by reducing the environmental fruit finger print. Besides the already existing orchards, new ones are planted with trees produced using local species and varieties, better adapted to soil and climate conditions, grafted on resistant rootstocks. Low input orchard technologies, organic fertilization and integrated pest management are generally used. Natural windbreaks and shelters, grass soil cover management are generalized in order to ensure a higher biodiversity and the protection of wild life. Local fruits are produced in many cases under registered Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), and Traditional Specialties Guaranteed (TSG). Those insure the product authenticity, a quality control system and a better marketing. Fruits are sold fresh on the local markets and in modern distribution network but also processed in the farm or in cooperative processing units. Special products are obtained following traditional recipes, some of the being sugar free, rich in vitamins, active principles and considered functional food. Continuous science and technology development brings innovation also in orchard technologies in European small fruit farms aiming to maintain their sustainability and competitiveness, by producing top quality fruits, with nearly to zero residues and no environmental negative impact. The European model of small smart fruit farms could be introduced and tested to Indonesian condition.


Keywords: small smart farms; local varieties; planting systems; sustainable orchard management; plant protection; local fruit processing

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