The Influence of the Agroecological Resources of Crimea on thePrimary and Secondary Metabolites of AligoteGrapes


This research focused on examining the interrelationships between the natural conditions for growing grapes, as well as the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the harvest. These are important criteria for the scientifically grounded selection of a territory for planting a vineyard, selecting varieties and determining the use of the resulting products. The characteristics of six model vineyards of the Aligote cultivar, located in various natural zones and viticultural regions of the Crimea, were analyzed. The values of climatic indicators were calculated, including the growing degree days above 10∘C (∑Т ∘С10), growing degree days above 20∘C (∑Т ∘С20), Huglin index, Winkler index, average growing season temperature, average September temperature, ratio ∑Т ∘С20/∑Т ∘С10,total precipitation during the year, total precipitation during the growing season, total precipitation in September, and Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient. These were calculated usinggeoinformation and mathematical modeling for the locations of the analyzed vineyards. The content of the primary metabolites (total sugars, titrated acids and calculated indicators based on them) and secondary metabolites (phenolic components, oxidase activity) of grapes from the model vineyards were analyzed. The range of variation in the studied indicators within the analyzed territories was calculated, and the nature and magnitude of the relationships between the indicators were revealed. A cluster analysis of the analyzed vineyards was carried out and clusters were distinguished according to the degree of similarity in climatic parameters, as well as the content of the primary and secondary metabolites of the grapes.

Keywords: grapes, agroecological factors, primary and secondary grape metabolites, ampeloecological zoning, terroir

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