Peculiarities of Using Plant Raw Materials in Breadmaking Technology


This research examined the scientific basis for an integrated approach to broadening bread and flour products. The effect of chia seeds on the organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators of the ”sweet bun” (brioche) was studied to substantiate the use of plant raw materials in the technology of bread and flour product preparation.Chia seeds contain essential amino acids, vitamins (mainly B), minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc) and antioxidants, so it is possible to use chia seeds to obtain a product that combines high organoleptic properties and is also enriched with essential substances. The findings from the organoleptic evaluation of the test specimens indicated that the added ingredients significantly affected the appearance, crust color and crumb condition;however,there was no change in the taste and smell of the pastry. The effect of chia seeds on the quality of the products during storage was assessed. It was found that when using chia seeds in the amount of 10% of the mass of flour, after 24 hours the decline in taste, smell,crumb elasticity and friabilitywas less noticeable. In addition, the analysis of the chemical composition of the brioche bun showed thatthe products with chia seeds were highly nutritious. Thus, the content of dietary fiber in the model specimen wastwo times higher than the values of the control specimen (10% of the daily requirement); the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids was equivalent to 87.9% and 19.2% of the daily requirement, respectively. The use of chia seeds in a butter bun recipe (brioche) therefore enables theexpansion of the range of food products enriched with essential ingredients.

Keywords: bread and flour products, sweet bun, brioche, chia seeds

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