
Aquatic products are easily perishable commodity, one of them are fish skin. Information about the declining quality of milkfish skin has not been revealed yet. Milkfish skins were analysed to determine the chemical composition, postmortem storage on chilling temperatures, and compared the microstructure changes during postmortem. Measured parameters in this study were proximate, organoleptic score, and histological examination to observe the tissue damage that occurred in post mortem storage. Milkfish skin contained moisture, ash, lipid, protein, and carbohydrate were 64.74%; 2.43%; 4.76%; 23.74%; 4.34%, respectively. Milkfish skin entered prerigor at 0 days, rigormortis at 8 days, postrigor at 14 days, and the decomposed phase at 23 days of chilled storage. Milkfish skin began experiencing damage in rigormortis by the occurrence of degeneration. In postrigor and decomposed phase occurred cariolysis. In addition, in the decomposed phase there were empty spaces marked by the loss of the milkfish skin tissue due to cell death.

Keyword: chilling, histology, milkfish skin, postmortem. 

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