Center for Agro Based Industry Promotes Green Industry Policy by Providing Technical Services Related with ISO 50001:2011


Energy, specifically that use fossil fuels, has play a massive roles in the industry. Therefore, the sustainability of energy will determine the success of the national industry development in the future. ISO 50001:2011 provides organization with management strategies to increase energy efficiency, improve energy performance using a systematic approach and thus reduce costs. This standard is an effective guideline for organization to identify and achieve continual improvements on energy management systems. As a technical institution attached to Ministry of Industry, Center for Agro Based Industry (CABI) takes an important roles to provide technical services regarding implementation of ISO 50001:2011 in industry. CABI has started the initiate stages by preparing certified personnel and thus improving their skill. Nevertheless, CABI has some difficulties regarding lack of cooperation with related parties which is affecting the experiences from those personnel and the preparation stages for providing technical services to industry.

Keywords: energy management; energy efficiency in industry; sustainability; standard ISO 50001:2011

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