Design of Solar Transmission System using Fiber Optic for Indoor Lighting


Transmission of fiber solar lighting system is a lighting system using sunlight as a source. The system consists of two main components, there are: solar collectors and optical fiber. Solar collector is used to collect and focus sunlight into the focal point. Sunlight that received by collector is transmitted by optical fiber into the room, primarily through efficiency of the collector system. In this final project, we designed the transmission systems via optical fiber for lighting on the Photonics Laboratory ITS. Transmission of solar lighting systems used parabolic collector as a major collector and end glow plastic optical fiber as the transmission with length of 50m. There are four types of collector systems were designed, i.e. parabolic, parabolic with flat mirrors, parabolic with pyramid and parabolic with a cone. Characterization system consists of measuring reflectance values, the output intensity of the optical fiber, and the intensity light distribution in the room. The results of measurements of the reflectance (R) collector surface with paint gray and silver are 0.225 and 0.475, respectively. In the measurement light output intensity of the optical fiber with variation types of collector systems, it is obtained that the highest value from the combination of parabolic collector with a cone. Distribution of light output from the optical fiber in the room was also calculated and measured.

Keywords: collector; optical fiber; solar lighting

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