The Effect of Alternative Energy Utilization from Landfill on Methane Emission Reduction


Supit Urang landfill is landfill that collected and used methane as an alternative energy source. Methane gas was produced by garbage in dumped in landfill which undergo decay and under certain conditions. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to measure the GHG emission reduction from the landfill through scavenging and distribution methane gas as alternative energy. The reduced waste tonnage was calculated for its GHG emission using methane emission calculation formula proposed by IPCC. Scavengers in Supit Urang landfill contribute to reduce 2, 3 % of paper, plastic and glass for about 0, 23 %, 0, 88 % and 0, 72 % respectively. The fraction of degradable waste sorted by the scavenger contribute to the GHG emission reduction for about 0.12 %. In 2018, estimate of potential methane gas are 5 828,90 ton CH4 and it will distribute to 319 households surrounding Supit Urang landfill as a fuel to cook. Manage the methane can reduce the risk of gas explosion and also can be solution to solve crisis of energy. Methane is a renewable energy, but just 0,7 % from total methane gas from Supit Urang Landfill that used by public.

Keywords: alternative energy; garbage; landfill; methane; reduce; scavenge

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