(WS 02) 1000 kW - Study on Ocean Thermal Energy as Electricity Power Generator in West Lombok, Indonesia


In Order to support the equitable economic and science development in Indonesia by fully electrified either in urban or rural area, a revolutionary power generator system which sustainable,renewable and eco-friendly is highly required. WS 02 is an Ocean-Thermal based 1000 kW power generator system which specifically designed to be applied for rural area consist of 500 household such as in West Lombok where the electrification ratio is relatively low. The main components of WS 02 consist of air turbine, power generator, air decompressor and water pump, works by conversing the thermal reaction in particular area of water and turning into mechanical work by using the principle of Open Rankine Cycle then converting it into electrical charge. The system designed to be approximatedly 25 miles off the coastline of the electrified area and 30 years of life-time not only to ensure the efficiency level of the power generated by the generator but also to cut the cost of the energy which consumer to be burdened of. WS 02 enlarge the oppurtunity to decrease fossil-fuel dependency of the people and the government of Indonesia on major aspect of life and create better future.

Keywords: Ocean Thermal, Renewable Energy, Power Generator, Rankine Cycle, WS 02

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