Development of a New Phase Change Biogas for Renewable Energy Storage System


The aims of this study are to decrease the concentration of organic matter are to cooking and generate electricity from biomass. The methods were the preparation of fixed dome reactor, unit of CO2 removal, preparation and fermentation of cow dung, water, chicken manure running and sampling periodically every one hour and data analysis. Therefore, CO2 must be eliminated from the biogas and the corresponding phenomena of mass transfer with chemical reaction of packed column have to be studied. This study assumed steady state and isothermal condition. The system studied consists of packed column (stainless steel 304) 10 cm in diameter filled with 2 mm in diameter bead (zeolite) to the height of 80 cm and storage system of methane.. The gas flow rate was held constant at F = 800 ml/s, liquid flow rate (L) was 100 ml/s, pressure (P) was varied from: 350 to 700 mm water column (WC), and the concentration of aqueous NaOH 1.5 M inlet absorbent was held constant. The results showed that the percentage of absorbed CO2 can be enhanced by increasing the pressure. Using column with packing height of 100 cm. gas flow rate of 800 ml/s, using absorbent containing NaOH1.5 M with flow rate: 100 ml/s and at pressure of 350 mm water column (WC) and temperature of 30o C , the percentage recovery of CO2 reacted was 85%. The biogas then will be used to generate electricity.

Keywords: Aqueous NaOH 1.5 M, Biogas purification, CO2 removal, Storage system

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United States Patent – 4042332
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