A Study in Developing a Charger Helmet as Power Bank of Mobile Phone for Motorcyclists


Wearing a helmet is one of the obligations to be adhered to motorcyclists. Yet, the existence of helmets is not only as protective gear head but also as a lifestyle even leading to advanced technologies, such as 1) color changing helmet, 2) folding helmets, 3) glowing helmets, and so on. Therefore, the innovation has given a touch on the idea of helmet concepts that is more useful than before and a prototype that has never existed before. This paper describes how the concept of helmet charger is. In fact, the innovation is conceptualized to generate electricity from the helmet, which is a photovoltaic solar cell. The electricity generated can be used for various purposes, like charging a cell phone. Furthermore, the things underlying helmets as a means of placing solar cells is that the body heat of the sun which is quite broad and equitable helmet that will help the solar cells to have an ideal position by facing the sun directly. At the end, the helmet covered by solar cells will have been ready to store electrical energy in batteries as much as 12 VDC. This paper describes a helmet design for the solar power charger and a solar-powered helmet design that can generate voltage as needed.

Keywords: charger, electric energy, helm, photovoltaic cells

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