The Acceleration Strategy of Biogas Utilization in Rural Area


The research objective is to obtain acceleration strategy model of biogas utilization in rural areas with a systems approach. Methods of research conducted through literature review, surveys and expert systems. Analysis of acceleration strategies using hierarchy analysis process and the selection of alternative priority using the comparison method exponential. The results showed that the acceleration strategies of biogas utilization in rural areas depend on 9 important factors, namely, the first three important factors, are in sequential order the availability of raw materials, the government policy, and the the public interest. Acceleration strategy is also depend on important actor such as the governments, the community and the extension services, while the primary goal is cost savings, utilization of waste and replacing fuel wood. As an alternative priority of successive acceleration strategy is the selection of the digester, institutional, financial services and mentoring programs.

Keywords: acceleration strategies, factors, actors, goals, alternatives, biogas digester.

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