Seeds Capacity of Kranji ( <i>Pongamia pinnata Merril</i>. ) Tree as Renewable Energy


Pongamia pinnata Merrill. (kranji / Mabai / pongam) is a coastal plant that seeds to produce bio-diesel and wood energy, spread from Sumatra to the Moluccas islands there are Kulur Laut (Central Bangka ); Sukarame, Carita (Banten), Batukaras, Ciamis (West Java), National Park Alas Purwo - Banyuwangi (East Java), Kalibukbuk (North Bali); Sambelia, East Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) Berau, Kulkar and Paser (East Kalimantan) and West Seram (Maluku Islands). 

The aim to get the character of  tree, fruit distribution and potential kranji oil supply that can last all year. Because of the requirements to be a source of renewable energy is sustainable fruit production (raw material of bio-diesel). Naturally, this plant has a generative nature (flowering and fruiting) different between individuals than are affected by environmental conditions.  

The results of the census data collection in a single plot observation in August 2009 in the National Park Alas Purwo,  the character generative growth there between stands have a different that is 5 finished fruiting trees, 3 young fruit trees, 5 mature fruit trees (ready to harvest) and 3 trees are flowering. While the potential for actual production in the village of Batu Karas (Ciamis) in July 2010, has an average production capacity of as much as 1855 or 2297 pods per tree per tree seed grain, 1000 grain weight of 778.21 grams, the equivalent of 2.45 kg / tree the distance between the nearest tree was 2.49 ± 0.80 m. The plants bear fruit at the age of 3 years. 

Planting can broadly be followed by silvicultural management based generative character of the plant so that fruit production can be sustained and followed by oil production management seed production adapted to be effective and efficient. To get the properties of its parent, this plant can be propagated by cutting  the middle branch with a density of 25% gives the percent shade shoots grow by 68.4%. 

Pongamia pinnata has a high potential to be developed as a plant producing bio-diesel material along the coast and on the results of the test crop can grow well in the area of the former mine (Kota Tua Tunu, Bangka) and on marginal land (Parung Panjang, Kabupaten Bogor). The plant roots can symbisis with Rhizobium for clicking of N-fixation from the air. 

Keyword (kata kunci) : pongamia pinnata, potential seed production, distribution 

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