Potential Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in Bali


OTEC is a method for generating electricity which uses the temperature difference that exist between deep and shallow water with the minimal difference about 20°C. This paper aim to determine the potential and the provision of new and renewable energy in Indonesia.OTEC is very compatible build in Indonesian sea because Indonesia is placed in equator teritory, a lot of island, strain and many difference of topography especially in North Bali Sea. A calculation ocean thermal distribution in Indonesia for OTEC is doing with statistics from ocean thermal surface.The maximum efficiency of carnot engine (ηmax) is obtained in the North Bali Sea by 0.788813. Figures are better than other regions in the Indonesia. OTEC power production is renewable energy that could be a solution to produce electricity, and also can produce fresh water and cold water for agricultural and cooling purposes especially in the tourist area like Bali. 

Keywords: OTEC, Bali, Temperature, Renewable Energy 

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