Optimizing Utilization of Nypa Sap as Bioethanol Basic Materials for the Rural Community in Increasing the National Economic Growth


Nypa has a relatively big potential as raw material for bioethanol. Total area of nypa plants in Indonesia is 700,000 hectare. Utilization of nypa sap in Indonesia are still not optimal because of the low interest and ability to process it to be other useful product. The rural community tends to only process nypa sap into sugar, but the quality of the sugar produced is very less because the salt is still contained in the sap. So the price is cheaper than other sugar. Utilization of nypa sap needs to be done by turning them into other useful product such as bioethanol to strengthen the Indonesian economic sectors. The method of data collection are used in this paper is the library research. This research use descriptive qualitative method. The analysis used in this research is a descriptive analysis. Based on the study, nypa sap is able to produce seven types of biofuels that can replace the fossil fuels, such as nypa bioethanol 100%; nypa biokerosene 70%; nypa biopertamax 95% with pertamax plus 5% ethanol; biopremium e20 nypa 80% with gasoline plus 20% ethanol; biopremium e85 nypa 25% with gasoline plus 85% ethanol, biodiesel and gliserin biodiesel nypa plus CPO (Crude Palm Oil). Calculation of bioethanol production from nypa sap each year is 3 million kL. Strategic steps that should be done in utilizing the nypa sap for the rural community, include: 1) socialize the utilization of nypa sap as a raw material for bioethanol; 2) give the demonstration and practice the process to make bioethanol from nypa sap; 3) establish the reference industrial; 4) grant the loan or capital; 5) grant the supporting production equipment and technology; and 6) monitoring and evaluation.

Keywords: bioethanol, nypa sap, the rural community

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