Indonesian Geothermal Energy Potential as Source of Alternative Energy Power Plant


Indonesia is known as the Ring of Fire, nearly about 40% world's geothermal potential located in Indonesia. About 252 geothermal sites in Indonesia spread following the path of volcanic formation which stretches from Sumatra, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, to Maluku. It has total potential of about 27 GWe. Geothermal energy as a renewable energy and environmentally friendly, this large potential needs to be upgraded the contribution to fulfill domestic energy need which is able to reduce Indonesia's dependence on fossil energy sources which are depleting. Potential for geothermal energy is expected to fulfill the target of developing geothermal energy to generate electricity through the Geothermal Power Plant of 6000 MWe in 2020.

Keywords: Geothermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Geothermal Power Plant

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