Methods of Correlation Digital Photonics in the Diagnosis of Complex Medical Conditions


In this paper we analyze the possibility of using special methods and equipment for coherent photonics during working with multiparameter information. Reverse paraphase coding and operational analysis of multiparameter data allow the implementation of various correlation algorithms for photonic medical diagnostic systems - search of precedent, compliance diagnosis, deterministic diagnostics, Bayes and metric algorithms. The results of experimental studies of medical diagnostics and prediction of complex situations are presented. Such analysis is carried out with the help of vector-matrix multiplication by the methods of laser photonics. It is significant that with the extension of the range of probability algorithms, it is possible to preserve the main advantages of the holographic method: multidimensionality, high speed, efficiency and reliability. Photonics methods in diagnostics have particular importance in connection with the development of the first sample of a photonic processor.

Keywords: laser photonics, correlation, coherence, optical computing, photonic processor

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