UNNES International Conference on Research Innovation and Commercialization 2018

KnE Social Sciences / UNNES International Conference on Research Innovation and Commercialization 2018

The 2nd 2018 UNNES International Conference on Research Innovation and Commercialization (UICRIC) for Better Life was organised by the Research and Community Development Institute (RCDI) with the aim of transforming the vision of Universitas Negeri Semarang of becoming an international Conservation University into reality. The conference aimed to increase the number of research publication and improving the academic atmosphere through the improvement of research quality so that the results of the research are known to the public and can be produced massively as part of the improvement of the people’s life quality and prosperity. The scope of the research clusters in this international conference includes educational innovation, science and technology, resource and life quality improvement, conservation, and arts, culture, and humanity.

Conference date: November 10, 2018
Location: The Wujil, Resort and Convention, Ungaran, Central Java, Indonesia 
Editors: Cepi Kurniawan, PhD; Dr. Karnowo, PhD; Ardhi Prabowo, M.Si
Organizer: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Semarang
Published: 9 July 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X