Community Communication Forum (FKM) & WhatsApp (WA) Group: Dialogic Communication Between Company-Community in Achieving Community Development in Indonesia


Independent Waste Bank is a program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Cilacap Plant as a form of participation of companies in tackling the garbage problem in Cilacap.  This paper reports on a case study of CSR program of Independent Waste Bank PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk.The results show that the pattern of dialogic communication between the company and the community through Community Communication Forum (FKM) and utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the form of WhatsApp (WA) Group is capable of generating a positive relationship and be able to produce a chance to achieve unity in the difference between the company and the community. The CSR program managed to develop and empower local communities by promoting self-reliance and creativity, and consequently improve the welfare of the local community.

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