The Study of Self Concept, Healthy Hygienic Behavior and the Importance of Health Promotion Through Internet - A Case Study in North Jakarta


The contributions of food street vendors (warung makan) especially from Tegal have greatly helped new migrants in urban areas because they felt the migrants came from the same region. This is particularly noticeable from the adjustment mechanism in a new area. They usually are immigrants coming from outside Jakarta. They live in less feasible locations, such as at the riverside. The questions are “How did they found their self-concept as small and medium traders as a food vendor? What is its effect on the level of awareness of healthy clean living among them?” This paper reports on a surveyof food vendors in North Jakarta. The size of the sample was 73 traders selling along Jalan Yos Sudarso, North Jakarta. The results showed that entrepreneur self-concept proved to exert significant effect on healthy hygienic behavior among food street vendors in Jakarta with the effect of 44.9%, while 55.1% was affected by other factors. This study proposes using information technology to encourage the street food vendors to maximise their income without ignoring healthy hygienic behavior.

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