Assessment of Exposition Text to Develop Critical Thinking Skills For Junior High School Students


The purpose of this research is to develop an assessment of exposition text to develop critical thinking for junior high school students. This study utilizes developmental research approach with a procedural development research called Thiargarajan 4D model as its research design. The resulting product is a book consisting exposition text assessment tools to develop critical thinking skills for junior high school students. The structured assessment tools are based on the stage of critical thinking by Peter A Facione and the exposition text written by Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson. Based on the results of validity and reliability, the assessment tools developed in this study are valid and reliable with more than 80% score. The assessment tools, which were piloted in SMP Hasanuddin 01 Wajak, are proven reliable based on the reliability test between raters.


Keywords: assessment of writing, exposition text, critical thinking

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