The 21st Century: The Turning Point of the English Language Teaching in Indonesia


English, in Indonesia, is spoken, taught and communicated as a foreign language. Due to the above condition, the position of English in Indonesia lies in the expanding circle of World Englishes (Kirkpatrick, 2007). The advantage of being in the expanding circle is that there must be a very different aspect of Language Teaching and Learning   as compared to the other two circles above. The Indonesian language, for example, which does not have a tense system like that of English, constitutes a unique problem faced by Indonesians learning English. The statement previously mentioned implies that those who learn English must be highly exposed to the language as they should be made accustomed to practicing the language a lot since they mostly communicate using their either vernacular or national language after the class hours.

The 21st century is the turning point of a new paradigm in pedagogical practice.  It is the point where the teacher-centred -approach shifts into the student or learner-centred- approach. At this point also, the learners are exposed to reconstruct their own knowledge freely by looking for, searching, and finding other resources. The teacher, then, is no longer the only source as that of in the teacher-centred approach, yet he is the only one of the sources in the teaching-learning process (Suparno, 1997) or even they may browse from social media or online network or other multimedia such as internet and so forth..


Keywords: exposure, strategies, new paradigm

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