The Effect Of Communicative Language Teaching And Audio-Lingual Method On English Speaking Skill Across Different Learning Styles


This study aims to determine whether there is an interactive effect between learning methods (Communicative Language Teaching/CLT and Audio-Lingual Method/ALM) and learning styles (Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic) on English speaking skill. The researchers used a quasi-experimental research design with a population of 383 students and samples of 70, assigned into two groups: experimental and control. The data were collected using three instruments (i.e., a pretest, a posttest, and a questionnaire) and then descriptively analyzed. A 2x3 factorial of Two-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with parametric statistical method was utilized because the data were normally distributed as well as homogeneous. The results of the analysis of the pretest scores show that the English speaking skills of the two groups of students applying the two different methods are the same at the significance level of 0.080. The analysis of the posttest scores show that there was no interactive effect between the learning methods and the learning styles on the English speaking skill at the significance level of 0.138. This implies that no matter what learning styles they have, students in CLT class performed better in speaking English than those in ALM.


Keywords: CLT, ALM, learning styles, English speaking skill

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