The Effect of Agency Services and Service Quality on The Number of Visits of The Travel Ship in PT. Andhika GAC Jakarta


Thepurposeofthisstudywastoexamineandanalyzetherelationshipbetweenagency servicesandservicequalitytothenumberofcruiseshipvisitsatPT.AndhikaGAC.This study uses data collection methods by publishing questionnaires with samples taken from55respondents.Thedataofthisstudyareallcruiseshipagencyserviceactivities for 3 months from November to December 2018. Sampling used is a non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling technique taken entirely from the population for a sample of 55 people. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that agency services partially had a positive and significant effect on the number of cruise ship visits. Service quality partially has a positiveandsignificanteffectonthenumberofcruiseshipvisits.AgencyServicesand Service Quality together have a significant effect on the number of cruise ship visits with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.617. The contribution of research shows that agency services and service quality can confirm the theory of sea transportation management, agency and human resource management.

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