The Effect of Education Level, Business Age and Accounting Knowledge on The Implementation of SME Accounting Information Systems in Industrial Era 4.0 (Empirical Study of MSME in South Tangerang)


Thisstudyaimstodeterminetheeffectofeducationlevel,business,and accounting knowledge on the application of MSME accounting information systems in South Tangerangbothpartiallyandjointly.Thevariableusedinthisstudyistheapplicationof accounting information systems as the dependent variable while the level of education, business age, and accounting knowledge as independent variables. The data used in this study are primary data, namely by field studies by distributing questionnaires. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with probability sampling in the form of random sampling with a sample of one hundred respondents. The results showed that partially the education level had a significant positive effect, business age had a significant positive effect, and accounting knowledge had a significant positive effect on the application of the MSME accounting information system. While the results of the study simultaneously indicate that the level of education, business age, and accounting knowledge, together have a significant positive effect on the application of the MSME accounting information system.

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