The Effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER) and Price Book Value (PBV) Against the Stock Price of Telecommunications Sector Company Included in the Indonesian Islamic Stock Index (ISSI)


Objective - This study aims to analyze the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price EarningRatio(PER)andPriceBookValue(PBV)onStockPricesinTelecommunications Sector Companies Included in the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index (ISSI) for the period 2013 - 2017. Thisresearchmethodusessecondarydata,namelydatasourcesdonotdirectlyprovide data to the author, for example through other people or documents. The sampling techniqueispurposivesampling.Ofthepopulationof6Telecommunicationscompanies listed on the Indonesian Syariah Stock Index, 4 companies that met the sample criteria were telecommunication sector companies that were registered in the calculation of theIndonesianSyariahStockIndex(ISSI)in2013-2017,telecommunicationscompanies that experienced 2 years of delisting -according to the calculation of the 2013-2017 Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), and telecommunications companies that submit their financial statements regularly in 2013-2017. The analytical method used is the classical assumption (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelationtest),multiplelinearregression,coefficientofdetermination,partialtest hypothesis (t test) and simultaneous test (F test). Results - The results of the study show that the results of partial hypothesis testing (t test) Earning Per Share (EPS) do not have an effect and are not significant on stock prices with a significance level of (0.152> 0.05) and t-count smaller than t- table (-1,505 <2,120).PriceEarningRatio(PER)hasnoeffectandisnotsignificantonstockpriceswith a significance level of (0.908> 0.05) and t-count is smaller than t-table (-0.117 <2.120). PriceBookValue(PBV)hasasignificanteffectonstockpriceswithasignificancelevel of (0.001 <0.05) and t-count is greater than t-table (3.988> 2.120). Discussion - It is hoped that this research can become a reference for expanding population coverage and research samples at Telecommunications companies. Add variables and observation periods for further research.

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